6. Service Advantages of Core Winner

7. FAQ-CDN Static Acceleration

Global Coverage, Rapid Response

With seamless integration of global business activities, enterprises need to ensure that their data can be transmitted quickly and securely worldwide. Core Winner's CDN service stands out from the crowd, boasting nodes in over 70 countries worldwide, including 28 in Asia, 25 in Europe, 6 in Africa, 4 in North America, 8 in South America, and 3 in Oceania, ensuring high-speed and low-latency data transmission.

Stable High Availability, Flexible Cost Control

Our autonomous disaster recovery mechanism and diverse resource configurations provide a service availability of up to 99.95% and data reliability of 99.99999%. Achieve rapid elasticity based on business needs, purchase on demand, and pay-as-you-go, providing customers with flexible and cost-effective options.

Secure & Reliable, Deployment in Seconds

Security is always Core Winner's top priority. We offer basic security protection for free, including host firewalls, network firewalls, and support for security detection tools and operation logs for cloud servers, achieving high data isolation and protection. Additionally, the deployment of a single cloud server in seconds and batch deployment of customized images bring unprecedented convenience and agility to enterprises.

Diverse Product Features & Functions

From flexible resource configurations, multiple storage options, dedicated network construction, to highly customized services for elasticity and load balancing, Core Winner provides comprehensive technical support for customers. Whether it's high-traffic image and video processing or the demand for high-quality streaming live broadcasts, Core Winner can provide services that meet high standards.

Core Winner Commitment

At Core Winner, we not only provide products but also provide the ability to operate businesses efficiently. Whether your needs are rapid deployment of websites, addressing challenges of high-traffic applications, conducting large-scale live broadcasts, or building efficient remote monitoring systems, Core Winner can provide tailored solutions. For enterprises seeking higher autonomy, Core Winner's self-built CDN service offers flexibility and controllability, allowing your business to fly on the global network.

Core Winner is committed to customer-centricity, constantly innovating, and focusing on creating efficient, secure, and user-friendly network services. With a network of nodes covering the globe, high availability ensuring business continuity, flexible cost control that can be adjusted as needed, rock-solid security protection, and configuration flexibility to adapt to various business scenarios, our services bring customers the ultimate user experience.

If you have further interest in our services or any questions, please feel free to contact us. Core Winner is willing to work with you to seize opportunities and grasp the future in this rapidly developing digital economy era for your business.